Monday, September 30, 2013

Issue 0/1 release party!

First pics of one hell of an overwhelming release party 
at the Flakekings headquarters!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

500 likes on Facebook!

500 likes in such a short time. Man I'm flabbergasted!!
This should be celebrated, so everyone who buys a magazine at the release party will get a free 
41 X 70 cm, poster!  Be fast, there are just a few!! 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Release Party, September 28th

Now don't forget!! September 28th we'll have a release party at the Flakekings headquarters in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Doors open at 20:00. Most choppers from this issue will be on display, but one has been sold in the meantime and it's always possible someone just won't be able to come by. But this is not a sad thing, now way!! Because it would leave more space for all the other choppers of you folks! 
As said on the flyer: "indoor Chopper parking"!!!